What is this Podcast All About?
If you haven’t reached your peak potential in life because fear, doubt or a lack of self-confidence have been holding you back, then this podcast is for you.
Fostering Success will help you discover that you are the VICTOR not the Victim in your life regardless of your circumstances.
Adam Starks, your host, weaves through the trials and tribulations that he’s endured in life, including rising out of the foster care system to reach the pinnacle of success in his chosen field. He has since dedicated his life to helping others overcome their obstacles to achieve their true calling and purpose in life by “fostering” their success. You’ll be listening to the authentic voice of someone who’s actually been there and done what you’re looking to do so you two can reach for AND achieve the pinnacle of success in every area of your life.
Not only will you be inspired and motivated to take the necessary next steps to achieve your definition of success. Adam Starks will teach, train, coach, and , mentor you along the path in each and every inspiring episode.
Listen, Subscribe & Post a Review to WIN
One lucky listener, every single week that SUBSCRIBES and POSTS a review on iTunes or Apple Podcasts, will be entered into the Grand Prize drawing to WIN a Private VIP Day (COVID-Safe) one-on-one with Dr. Adam Starks himself.
In this once in a lifetime exclusive opportunity, you will have Dr. Starks by your side fostering your success while being coached, and mentored personally in all areas of your life.
Meet Your Host- Adam Starks

Adam Starks, Ph.D. is a keynote speaker in topics ranging from foster care, juvenile justice, and public education to age diversity in organizations, business operations, and race matters. Dr. Adam Starks also provides a wealth of services including business coaching, editing, writing, voice acting, creative brainstorming, independent academic studies, and product/book reviews.
He is also a multi-genre author going beyond his autobiography, Broken Child Mended Man (published 2014), and academic journal articles. Currently, Dr. Starks is working on multiple writing projects including a book of poetry, his recent entrepreneurial venture, works of fiction, and children’s books! For more about his writing projects and future publications, click here.

Claim Your YOUR FREE Gift from Dr. ADAM STARKS NOW

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Go to the iTunes page for Fostering Success!
Click the “Listen on Apple Podcasts ” button (see example below).
Once Apple Podcasts is launched, you will see The Unlimited Potential to Unlimited Success Podcast thread. Click the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button (if you have not already subscribed). You’ll be asked to sign into your iTunes account. Then click on the Ratings & Reviews tab (see example below):
Click on ‘Write a Review’ button (you must be logged in to write a review).
Rate the podcast by selecting between 1 to 5 stars, leave a review, and click ‘Submit’. That’s it!
Your review will go through an approval process and can be viewed within 48 hours (if approved).
ipad / iphone
Step 1
Launch the “Podcasts” app on your device.
NOTE: If you can’t find this app, swipe all the way left on your home screen until you’re on the Search/News page. Tap the search field at the top and type in “Podcasts.” Apple’s Podcasts app should show up in the search results below.
Step 2
Tap the Podcasts app icon, and after it opens, tap the Search field at the top, or the little magnifying glass icon in the lower right corner:
Step 3
Type the name of the show you want to rate Fostering Success into the search field, and press the Search button.
Step 4
In the search results, click on our show!
Step 5
Scroll down the page until you see Ratings & Reviews.
Step 6
Tap the purple “Write a Review” link:
Step 7
On the next screen, tap on the 5th star to the right. This is how you give the show a 5-star rating:

It is important to send our team a screenshot of your review. Please email it to support@fosteringsuccesspodcast.com and our team will verify it and enter you to WIN a chance in the Grand Prize Drawing for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a Covid-safe private one-on-one VIP day with Dr. Adam Starks himself, where he can coach and mentor you in any areas of your life.
Your review will go through an approval process and can be viewed within 48 hours (if approved).
Do You Have a Question for Dr. ADAM STARKS?
You can leave a private, confidential message for him to answer your question in his own voice. He will send you his answer in a private voice recording.